What a trip!

I wish the whole world could see this.  The andinean journey is full of peril, but grateful to the traveler.  Awakening at 4:30 am, i got to business immediately.  Washed up, got dressed, put my boots on, and grab my backpack on the way out.  I have walked three wondrous mountains: at first, desertic lands of xerophyte flora, incandescent flower/fruit combinations that contrast with the pale beige landscape; a yellow-colored, deeply dry, beautifully cracked fairyland, holding from sight uncountable wonders. Then, all of a sudden, you`re on the edge of a cliff and reality strikes:  you`re hundreds of feet above the ground, and underneath your feet, a thick, damp cold jungle awaits, daring your courage to a test.  Parrots, howling monkeys, armadillos, bears, can be found out here in the wilderness.  I come out of the desert to a heavily vegetated soil road and, after like 20 minutes of immense, enormous trees looking down on me, from all sides and unendingly, amazed, I walk through a gorgeous lane of old, very well kept houses, smack in the middle of the forest.  The gardens are breathtaking.  The color, shape and smell of nature is all around me, causing deep sensations to form.   In an abandoned school from the years before this was a park, I climb a dark-wooded tree, of huge, deep green leaves, and bring down about 12 or 14 yellow, round fruits.  They are called “Chinese Nisperos”, and their intensely aromatic presence floods my head as soon as i pop one into my mouth, after washing them in a nearby creek.  Its sweet, fleshy, delicious flavor makes me happy for quite a long while, long after the houses disappeared.  A small house can be seen from here, and voices are coming from it.  Shrill voices of laughing children. As i walk past the house, a beautiful scene takes my attention:  a beautiful young mother, doing home duties, going in and out of a peaceful, humble home.  On the front yard, a 4 year old baby girl playing with her older brother, 6 or 7 at the most.  They run, stop and squat. Then back up again, to a pretty rhythmical song i can`t catch up with.  Their shapes against the morning light made the silhouettes shimmer, as if light was water in this outstanding, beautiful world I’m visiting.  Very sweet, delicious tropic indeed this is, and from people to fruit, there`s so much to see here, so much to live here! At last I arrive.  The road goes on and on, but an almost invisible path opens a passage through the thick of the jungle, to the right.  Down ahead, 40 minutes into the wilderness, the river roars, cascades form, deer, tigers, rare fish, birds, flora and fauna await the beholder.  I take a moment, and with a huge breath, plunge downhill, grinning through the ancient, enormous trees, thanking god Guruplayer.com exists.

What do you mean “what the hell does guruplayer.com have to do with all this?”

Where in heavens do you think I won the cash for the trip?


Just a better way of getting things done.

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